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Beyond Development offers performance mentality and leadership programs to teams across NE Ohio. Programs include individual and interactive discussions and activities to improve the mental, emotional, and leadership qualities of being a student-athlete. BD athlete mentality and leadership workshops are led by Hannah Ringer and are designed to work with as little as 1 athlete all the way up to 200 athletes. Sessions guide student-athletes through strengthening 3 types of relationships to optimize individual performance and team culture on and off the playing field:
Beyond Development sports performance services offer customized, as well as, team/group strength & conditioning programs designed to increase speed, strength, power, as well as, prevent injury. All athletes complete a pre & post assessment to assess progress and results upon program completion. Athletes and teams who commit to a BD training program will improve their vertical, reaction time, agility, explosiveness, mobility, balance, athleticism, and overall competitiveness.
Beyond has partnered with BodyKamp to offer adult fitness training. The mission is to enlighten, educate, and help implement healthy alternative fitness routines and stress relievers into your life. We offer personal training, fitness classes, as well as, nutritional values, yoga and meditation that allow an individual to achieve personal health goals, as well as, to practice being present and taking a moment to connect with themselves. The goal is to encourage you to continue to carry these skills and healthy habits outside of the training facility and into any environment throughout your life.
Featuring BD athlete, Madison Moore, and her father, Terrence Moore